Friday, February 18, 2005

Just like riding a bike (Psalm 121)

This evening I finally got my guitar out of the basement. (I say finally because it has been on my to do list for over a week.) I have hardly played it the past couple of years. To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I had it out. When I was still doing campus ministry and when we were attending a different church, I had lots of opportunities to use it. But, for a variety of reasons, those opportunities haven’t been there lately. So it has been collecting dust in the basement.

Anyway, I wasn’t sure how quickly I would remember the chords, but it is just like riding a bike. Once you hop back on, you remember. The chords came back pretty quickly (except for c#m which I had to look up). In fact, it was amazing how quickly my hand naturally went to the various chords as I started playing familiar songs. It was all there, stored away in my brain. It is amazing how God has created us.

Two things were very clear to me once I got the guitar out and started playing and singing.

First, I really love to play and sing. I have missed it and I believe that God has missed it as well since He loves our worship.

Second, you can fudge it on the piano with longer nails, but there is no fudging it on the guitar. It will be clipper city tomorrow morning.

One of my favorites to play and sing is based on Psalm 121. I thought I would share the words since they are so encouraging. It truly is a prayer every time I sing it.

I lift my eyes up
To the mountains
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from You,
Maker of heaven,
Creator of the earth.

Oh, how I need You, Lord.
You are my only hope.

You’re my only prayer.

So I will wait for You

To come and rescue me.

Come and give me life.

May God bless you as you begin to prepare for worshipping our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, in a few days.

(Words and music by Brian Doerksen, Copyright 1990, Mercy Publishing)

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