Sunday, February 27, 2005

Books, books, books… (aka Sallie is a sheepish capitalist)

I love books. I have always been an avid reader. One of my elementary teachers wrote on my report card, “Sallie takes a lot of books out of the library, but does she read them?” I can testify that to the best of my memory I read most of them. I remember my summer vacations as a child revolving pretty much around reading (and writing to pen pals from all over the country and world). I would check out piles of books from the library, go home, and lay on the couch and read until I was literally sick to my stomach. I would get up, wander around the house for little while until the sick feeling passed, and lay back down to read. I think I really drove my parents crazy. They were always telling me to go outside and play. Play? What better play is there than reading?

Well, some things never change and I still love to devour books. I also love to recommend books. In fact, I am surprised I made it three weeks in writing this blog without recommending any books. There is just no way on earth I can write about the things that are important to me and try to encourage and challenge others and not recommend books. Whenever I speak or teach, I always have a pile of books to recommend or a handout of books relevant to the topic for people to consider reading.

However, I did debate about whether or not to link these recommendations to an online bookseller. I didn’t want to give the appearance that I am primarily writing this blog to make money. That is not my objective. However, after discussing it with my sweet hubby I decided that providing a link was a service to anyone who was interested. If you purchase a book (or books) linked from my blog, then I can add a few cents to our “move to the country and get out of the city" fund. And anyone who isn’t interested in buying books can just continue to enjoy the blog (which is always free of charge!).

So, happy reading!

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