Saturday, February 05, 2005

If I don't write it, it won't get said

“No one else could have written exactly what I wrote, and if I didn’t write it, it would never get said.”

I can’t remember where I found this quote. I think it was in a children’s book. I jotted it down and put it in my “To Write About Someday” file folder on my desk. Now you have to realize that writers have LOTS of these little slips of paper in LOTS of different file folders. A writer’s mind is always noticing things that could be written about and if you don’t jot it down immediately the idea is usually gone forever.

This whole idea of blogging is rather mind-boggling, especially for someone who has experienced the laborious and very long-term process of submitting queries and articles to magazines. If you send out an article idea today, you MIGHT hear back in 8-10 weeks. More often than not, your article is not getting published and you start the process all over again. Blogging changes that completely. If you have something to say, you can write it up and “publish” it instantly. Now of course there is the question of whether or not anyone is reading anything you’ve written on your blog. (Hint, hint: Feel free to leave comments!)

But back to the quote… It is truly amazing to consider the unique perspective each blogger brings to the cyberworld. God allows the twists and turns of our lives to be such that we can minister to others, encourage others, challenge others and cry with others. Nothing is wasted if we surrender to God. Our pains, our triumphs, our defeats, and even the little daily living things are all important and can all be used.

Perhaps because the written word has been so important to me my entire life, I am confident of God’s ability to use this little blog to bless others. There are books that have changed my life, but there have also been articles, greeting cards and websites that have had a tremendous impact on me. As my husband so often says, “Don’t despise the little things.”

So I am setting about the purpose of writing the things that no one else can write because if I don’t, they will never get said.


PezKat said...

Well said! And that's pretty much all I had to say but wanted to let you know someone's reading. :)

Vikkicar said...

Hi. Got here while random blog hopping, hitting the NEXT BLOG thingy. Anyhoo, AMEN to that. I've been blogging since May 2003, at first, I was really cautious to what I write. Well, I still am. But anyhoo, will bookmark your blog. God Bless.
p.s. btw, I'm from the Philippines ...