Sunday, February 20, 2005

Sticking to my guns

As I wrote in my post entitled Philippians 4:8ish, my goal is to make this a “wholesome, encouraging, uplifting” spot on the web. I also indicated that I had made the decision that this would not be a place of debating and responding to people who want to get a rise out of me.

Well, I’m sticking to my guns on this. As a well-known radio commentator says about his radio program, this is a benevolent dictatorship. I’m the one who comes here each day to write about the things that interest me and that I believe God is putting on my heart. I have been around long enough to know that everyone who comes here is not going to agree with everything I write. That is fine. I hope people can still come here and be encouraged in their walk with Christ even if they don’t agree with every jot and tittle that I write. On the non-essentials of the faith we can agree to disagree and still love and worship Christ together.

My goal is to make this an enjoyable, peaceful place and that is what it is going to remain. Any comments that I deem to be negative and/or contrary to these stated purposes, especially by anonymous people, will be promptly deleted. There are lots of places on the web where people can debate the finer points of the Christian life. This is not going to be one of them. My sincere hope is that when people leave comments they will add positive thoughts that expand on what I write and so add even more to the experience of those who come here. Those kinds of thoughts are always welcomed and encouraged. It is my deep desire to bless people with a peaceful respite from a challenging culture and I hope that you will find it to be so.

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